Monday, December 8, 2014

Happy Holidays Giveaway!

Hello Beautiful People!

It's been a looooong time since I did a post. I have a few reasons. The first BIG reason is that I had a baby girl last November!!! So, this past year has been about glorious baby love and major sleep deprivation. I did manage to squeeze in some studio time to record 4 new songs (feeding my singer-songwriter side). More on those later. AND I'm still working on the sequel to Phoebe Pope and the Year of Four! Thanks for the emails and tweets checking in on that.

I decided that doing a Happy Holidays Giveaway would be a nice way to get back into the blog! So, please enter to win one of two $50 Amazon Gift Cards for your shopping list! xoxoxo N

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Taste Test Tuesday

Hello beautiful people!

It's a gorgeous day today in the San Francisco Bay-Area, and I'm experiencing "amazing weather infatuation." I'm seriously in love with the sun and the bright sky!

Today, I want to share what's going on in my kitchen. This is probably funny for anyone who knows that I don't like to cook. The crazy thing is that I'm a great cook. I just don't enjoy cooking - it's the clean up part that's a buzz kill. Anyway, I came across a chicken & quinoa recipe that looked fun, delicious and easy to clean up (important!).  Check it out y'all... I went the extra mile to plate the dish!

What you are looking at is a bed of quinoa (cooked in chicken broth), chicken, red onions, spinach, raspberries and feta. The chicken, spinach and red onions were stir-fried and tossed in a pomegranate vinaigrette. I'm happy to say that this dish is very tasty! Here's the link to the recipe on You'll notice that their picture of the dish looks a bit more professional than mine! Ha! If you end up trying this recipe, please let me know what you think!

Prep + Cooking time: 30 minutes...maybe more 'cause I got distracted.
Kitchen Mess Factor: Minor
Clean up time: Haven't done it yet. Ha!

Every now and then I hope to share something tasty on Tuesdays.

Love and Light,

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Book TRAILER Celebration Giveaway!

Hi Everyone!

Today is my birthday!!! Yay! I'm usually shy about announcing my birthday. But this year, I've decided to do something different and, well, announce it. Ha!

So it makes me happy to tell you about the giveaway I'm doing to celebrate the awesome Phoebe Pope and the Year of Four BOOK TRAILER!! Seriously folks, this trailer makes me so happy! Please check it out and share it with everyone you know - and earn raffle entries for prizes!


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Oh, and what are my birthday thoughts and wishes you ask?? 

I'll share two.

Thought: As I'm writing this, my blog has 72 followers. I'd like to thank each of you for supporting my creative expression- writing and music. I am grateful.

Wish: I hope y'all are inspired to do a random act of kindness today!

Love & Light,

Friday, March 22, 2013

Cute Happy Winners!

Hi Everyone!

Happy Friday! I thought I'd send you into the weekend with an "Awww" moment. Meet the happy winners of my iPad Mini Giveaway!!!

Aren't these girls SO cute??!!! Their mom entered the giveaway for them and didn't tell them that they'd won until the package arrived. I threw in a print copy of Phoebe Pope and the Year of Four as a surprise extra prize. According to the mom, she had to beg her older daughter to stop reading so that she could take the photo. Don't you totally see the hurry-up-and-take-this-photo look she's giving her mom?? And apparently the younger one spent the whole day saying, "This is the most awesome day ever!" Needless to say, that made my heart melt! I love, love doing giveaways and getting a picture like this is such a sweet bonus! The older girl wants to be a librarian when she grows up and has given my book its own shelf. It is the first in her "signed by author" collection.  ;-) ;-)

Happy weekend and stay tuned for another giveaway coming in April. Yup, I'm a little hooked on giveaways. Ha!

Love & Light

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

There's still time to win an iPad Mini!

Hi lovely people!

I hope everyone is having an awesome day.

This is a quick post to let you know that there's still time to win an iPad Mini in the Phoebe Pope and the Year of Four Giveaway! Scroll down to the February 11th post to enter the rafflecopter! We're down to the last hours. Thank you for participating. Good Luck!!!

Love & Light,

Monday, February 11, 2013

iPad Mini Giveaway!

Let the tour begin!

February is the month of love, and I've got love for every blogger participating in my Phoebe Pope and the Year of Four tour! Thank you all for your reviews and interviews. I'm grateful. A special big hug to Giselle of Xpresso Book Tours for putting together an amazing tour!

I'm celebrating this tour with an engraved Phoebe Pope and the Year of Four iPad Mini Giveaway! I loooove giveaways! Enter the Rafflecopter below for your chance to win!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Amazon Top 100 Best Seller's List!!!

OMG! I'm so excited to share that today, Phoebe Pope and the Year of Four, cracked Amazon's Top 100 Best Seller's List in the teen fantasy ebook category!! It hit #74 (check out the screen shot!). You guys really rock my world! I can't thank you enough for purchasing a copy and spreading the word. I am humbled and excited by your support!
Happy holidays and best wishes for a wonderful 2013! xoxoxo Nya